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Thread: G.o.t.t. Rp

  1. #41
    Oh yeah, we got custom user titles. Mr.Anderson's Avatar
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    Châteaux shakes Armblast's hand as they come face to face.

    "I'm probably insulting an artis somewhere, but yes. The details can tell a great story. Like the power, rate of fire, accuracy and recoil of the weapon you just held."

    As Châteaux gestures to the bullet holes. He then guides them both into the LeCanard for proper introductions.

    "As you may have concluded, I am Châteaux and this is LeCanard, my trusty companion. I understand you'll be my senpai auditor."

    Châteaux had offered Armblast a seat and grabed one of his few beverages he had onboard.

    "As for heavy artillery, I have my custom made gun, packs a good enough punch."

  2. #42
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    "Good enough, then I trust your judgement on that matter, but it's time you understood the full spectrum of the situation."

    Armblast set his case on the ground before him and it opened, a hologram of the planet in question. Greciana.

    "As you know greciana is the central hub for 70 systems. What you don't know is the grecian government hired an ES team to protect it. This ES team is G class. They have gone beserk and for some unknown reason they have scrambled the central computer and damaged twelve key hub points. Currently there is no galactic network access out past the aurian system.

    At last report the two went underground, and haven't been seen since."

  3. #43
    Oh yeah, we got custom user titles. Mr.Anderson's Avatar
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    "Beserk, not rouge? G class ES members don't just go beserk."

    Châteaux said more to himself then others. Obviously there was more at work. ES members usually don't get simple guard duty, especially not on something like this. At most when escorting VIPs.

    "What is known about their power and is there any idea on why G class ES members were hired for such a job?"

  4. #44
    Arii Maehara Arii Maehara's Avatar
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    While Davis is taking care of non mission related work or cover as a matince man, Chloe is taking a nap.

    While Chloe is sleeping some images start flooding her mind....past people, jobs, relations....even some skill she had forgotten.

  5. #45
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    "Th reason for G class is simple. To guard the whole planet at once high level abilities are required. But the more pertanent question I see here how they were hired without consulting the GOTT." He pulled a document from the open case

    "This is record submitted to GOTT of the ES team's hiring, but it was swiftly buried in paperwork."

    He handed it to chateaux and proceeded to explain the jist of it.

    "ES team Palla and Freya were hired under the pretext of economic terrorism prevention. In reality they were in place to protect the nouvlesse in charge here."

  6. #46
    Oh yeah, we got custom user titles. Mr.Anderson's Avatar
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    Châteaux looked through the files while listening to Armblast's explanation of the situation.

    "I see, though normally for long standing guard duty, it's near impossible to get ES members, the rest of the galaxy needs them too."

    Flipping through the paperwork he finds several references to suspected higher risk to the planetary system and some estimations, but no concrete evidence. However, if it was only looked through to see if it was worth analysing, but then lost in paperwork and never actually analysed.

    "So Palla and Freya were to protect the Nouvlesse in charge there.."

    Châteaux takes a few more mental notes of the files, but they aren't significant enough without any other facts so he doesn't mention them. Besides, Armblast probably knows as much as Châteaux suspects he does.

    "Anything else you think might be of significance?"

    ((Sorry for the bit uninspiring post, brain-dead I guess ))

  7. #47
    Arii Maehara Arii Maehara's Avatar
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    Chloe decides to meet with Mercredi to talk about her dreams.

    "I..had a dream... Images of me doing things I don't remember. People...I feel I should know" I tell mercredi at the cafe eating a pie.

    I can't remember the last time I had such a great slice of pie.

    "What was I like before my accident? Before Davis?"

  8. #48
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    Armblast nodded.

    "Indeed there is, these Nouvlesse, part of the Geld group, a local faction charged with controlling the information network, have been monitoring and selling information to the rest of the Nouvlesse for quite some time now, and if i may draw a conclusion here, the news reached me about 24 hours ago that this had been going on. right about the time Palla and Freya took out the net out here. i think they were in the dark about it, and found out.

    The delemma we face now is setting back peace without exposing the scheme to the general public."

    "Tweedledee and tweedledum will repair the software and hardware after we'll meet with the ES members. I belive it or not used to date freya."

    Armblast keyed in the door sequence when he saw The E-squared power up and the hangar door infront of him opened enough to allow both ships out.

    "looks like time to go"

    if you want a look into my life in song and video form:

  9. #49
    Arii Maehara Arii Maehara's Avatar
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    While waiting for an answer from mercredi, I tale a spoon ful of an acai berry shake to my mouth.


  10. #50
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    (really? that's pathetic arii. i was going to edit in your conversation i had to think what to say...sheesh lol)

    "There are several answers i can give you Arii. one, is the truth. one is a lie. the other is a mix of both. at this point it is up to you what you want to know. i can only show you the door, you yourself must walk through it, so i ask you again. do you want the truth? Or what your Dossier says?"

    she passed a pair of folders to the girl, one said nothing on it at all, the other had a barcode, and her name on it. both seemed empty.

    she reached for the one that was blank.

    "remember, this is only the truth. i cannot guarantee you will like it."

    Chloe opened the folder, and the word Truth written on it.

    "Meet me on the Logos in 20 minutes. we are going on a trip."

    if you want a look into my life in song and video form:

  11. #51
    Arii Maehara Arii Maehara's Avatar
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    Just outside the shooting range where Davis is practicing with his new guns, Chloe is watching him practice though a window.

    "Do I really need to know?...." Davis finishes up and meets Chloe and was about to gloat a little but sees a worried face in Chloe.

    "Whats wrong?"

    "I...I need to go for a bit, Mercredi is helping me out on a private mission....I..scared Davis, what if i don't like what I see?"

    "Youll be fine sweetie just make sure you come home and we can talk about it ok?"

    Twenty minutes later Chloe is standing outside the Logos.

    " need to be whole." I climb in.

  12. #52
    Oh yeah, we got custom user titles. Mr.Anderson's Avatar
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    "Setting back the peace without exposing the scheme to the general public, huh? Although I find no harm in helping one if he or she asks for help, but this is more of a 'you reap what you sow' situation. Yes, let us make haste. The current situation is bad for all involved parties and needs to be resolved."

    Châteaux notified the engineering crew to reserve the parts they found and if they'd be so kind to wait with the modifications until LeCanard was back in the hangar. He communicates to flight control and plots a course.

    "Tweedle Twins, ready to go?"

    And with that Châteaux taxied LeCanard on to the runway, ready to launch.

    ((My brain must be dead ))

  13. #53
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    THe logos rocked back pointed the nose to the sky and launched the good old fashion way, and soon they were warping in.

    "The first thing you should know is that everything I tell you is pure fact and has been verifyed by eyewitness accounts, solid evidence and indisputible proof. In other words, it is the truth."

    "First of all, your real name was Sara Godfrey. You were a soldier in a private security force on the station we should be arriving at shortly."

    The ship warped out, and station mobilhaus showed ...well most of it.

    "Station mobilhaus. Chief export: refined gold. Status today: grave ridden and the rocks forming around it."

    Tweedledee gave the que to launch and before long they were both leaving the linear track. Armblast observed the Logos warp out and said a silent prayer.

    "We both know the details so i'll be brief", Tweedledee said through a viewer channel during warp," Palla and freya need to be neutralized or captured before we can do anything. We'll split up and scan the surface, The signature of their enhancements has been programmed into the scanners."
    Last edited by Aeris; 23 Jul 2010 at 9:38 am.

  14. #54
    Arii Maehara Arii Maehara's Avatar
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    Chloe looks out the window with a scared look on her face.

    "...What happened?...Did I?" As we fly closer debris pass by and some of the appear to have various parts of them that don't belong together fused. Asteroids hit the station and our ship too.

    I feel a sharp pain in my head as a look at the center of the station.

    "uhn..god...oww.." I grab my head lean forward as a sharp pain runs though my mind and my spine.

    "The flashes...something happened...." I stare at my hands in front of me as if there was blood on them.

    "All these images...there was a conspiracy going on before I left the station. uhnn I had family I think..not related but...What did I do?" I take out a bottle and take some pills to help me relax. The vision goes away as I touch the window.

    "Sara Godfrey......who are you, why...why did you do what you did?" Talking as if third person.

  15. #55
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    "This station suffered a cascade failure of the power relay sytems, an old form of plasma reaction that we were phasing out, but they caught it before the switch. Two ships were reported to have attacked the station, both using gravity weaponry. As you know the old plasma power systems were extremly vulnerable to the gravity bombs. and as you can see the station didn't last long. The people responsible were Unoh and Aho, and members of the management assossiation. Back before they joined the ES."

    The ship began warping in again.

    "We know you were rescued by ES members dextera and sinistra shortly after the battle and requested to join the ES. Your request was denied, but Eclipse hired you in to the SO as part of a new project. It was then that you gained the name Chloe."

    The ship warped out, at planet Borgal.

    "Here you were modified with your Scramble ability, and trained in the arts of assassination. You were a trained killer. We met several times and you even saved my butt a couple of times. Your last assignment was to assassinate a certain man that posed a threat to Chief Eclipse. That man's descriprion led you to Davis. However, the description you had was flawed and you were chasing the wrong man. It is fortunate for him in a way that the accident occured."

    Thre ship had maneuvered into a high speed orbit following the orbital ring. The crash site was obvious up ahead.

    "And this is where your old story ended.

  16. #56
    Arii Maehara Arii Maehara's Avatar
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    At the Station I watch debris fly by and the damage of the station holding my composure as a few flashes hit my mind.

    "....the cross dresser attacked my home...."

    During the warp I recall the times I have met Dextera and Sinistra.

    "Those two have been quite welcoming since I joined up."
    "Though I think Davis has issues with Sinistra, since he tried to make a move on me."

    After Mercredi filled Chloe in the two get ready to head to the wreckage. All the dangerous parts and materials were removed but otherwise the place is still there. I read a file about the crash and find out that after my body was declared dead, the cleaners for some reason after returning failed to find my body.

    "What?....there was no corps ?"

    I read some more to find that after going though the site again there was an incident that occurred on board and on site that caused the site to be evacuated and quarantined.

    "If I did die what happened to my body? I mean the rest of it?" After getting though the security measures we enter the wreckage to find that there is a weird smell and two cleaned off corpses trapped in containment suits.

    "uh.." I put on the filter mask and head in. A sharp ring in my head goes off but this time only a minor headache...

    "Target to kill was Davis Charvis. Known associate to Travis Markers. Only available source of Intel was that Davis was a former lab worker and created various weapons for Travis Markers." I take a few deep breaths and tried to calm myself..remembering what Mercredi said that the information was wrong.

    Soon we get to the place where my body should have been. There is a body print where my body used to be. I touch a coat rack behind me while taking this all in and my mind flashes again thanks to the link device in me.

    "When I was dying I...I must have tried to scramble myself and reassemble when the beam hit me." I think over the data files that Eclipse and Mercredi and Armblast had shown me and with the link help I go over it all.

    "How did i survive if half of my body went missing............wait.....Davis was taken out with a jacket on that he wasn't wearing before."
    Last edited by Arii Maehara; 27 Jul 2010 at 10:30 am.

  17. #57
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    "that is where the story could not be explained fully. we can tell you HOW you did it, but exactly what made it possible we do not know. so any explanation on my part is irrelevant. But for now, this is the conclusion of the sealed dossier that we compiled." mercredi said.

    "Now, what I CAN postulate is that the core part of you took the form of a coat temporarily as a sort of "last wish" to be with Davis. If that is true, then the story of how you became half hologram is even weirder."

    Mercredi opened what looked like a luggage storage bin, but about 3 times as long. In it was an old style Solbright sniper rifle, electromagnetically accelerated, and two clips of ammunition.

    "Looks like you were packing heat though. Only someone with GOTT clearance can bring such a high powered Solbright on board a commercial flight.
    Last edited by Aeris; 27 Jul 2010 at 9:54 am.

  18. #58
    Arii Maehara Arii Maehara's Avatar
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    I examine the case and the gun and as I do the LINK device in my mind attempts to recover any information and skills from when I used to use this gun. The LINK tries to see if there are any info in the residue of my death around me.

    That sharp feeling happens again. Instead of feeling hatred and anger, I sense a calm and focused mind and images of how this gun was used the last 4 times and the kills this gun was involved in.

    "What were my reports like? Did I enjoy doing this? I can understand the coldness and the focus but how is killing a calm business." I wonder as i pack the gun up and use scramble to make a armored mini car with the debris around us and load the gun into it and have it follow me as we head into the stations halls.

    Theres an animal like noise coming from down the way and a scream follows. I touch the panel on the wall.

    "Somethings living down there."

  19. #59
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    "You were efficent, I'll say that. You used the least amount of force to do the job. But you always seemed to have some sort of ritual to perform after a mission. Of course you didn't do anything occult, but you had to pay your respects or whatever you called it. You had a sense of honor I didn't understand."

    "You actually went out of your way one time to lay a rose on your target's widow's doorstep. I think that one made you think."

    Mercredi's bodyshimmered for a half second.

  20. #60
    Arii Maehara Arii Maehara's Avatar
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    Taking a break I sit on the mini armor car and close my eyes interfacing deeper with the LINK and Davis.

    "Sweetie, I'm ok. The trip is going to take a bit longer."

    I start going over all the information so far letting it flow around me hopefully I can make sense of it all. As I do the LINK system has been incorporated into my nervous system starts to glow like a neural net pumping information though my body with my ability in tow. I start to feel that focus and presence of who I was before forming. My muscles feel tighter and more fit and ready for action. I hope everything turns out ok.....should I have went after my past?...


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